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Intermittent Fasting: A powerful weight loss tool for women over 50

Jul 31, 2024

As we navigate the complexities of aging, particularly for women transitioning through perimenopause and menopause, finding effective strategies for managing weight, enhancing energy, and improving overall health becomes paramount. In this article, we'll delve into how intermittent fasting can serve as a powerful tool rather than a crutch, and explore the mindset needed to maximize its benefits.


Understanding Tools vs. Crutches in Health Regimens

The Allure of Intermittent Fasting

Many women are drawn to intermittent fasting because of its reported benefits, which include weight loss, improved energy levels, and better hormone regulation. However, the journey is often met with hesitations or barriers that can turn potential tools into crutches. For instance, the thought of giving up morning coffee with creamer or starting an exercise routine can be daunting enough to stop some from fully committing to the intermittent fasting regimen. This hesitation highlights a common scenario where what is meant to be a beneficial tool becomes a crutch due to comfort-seeking behaviors or resistance to change.

Identifying Crutches in Your Health Journey

Crutches often manifest as small conveniences or habits that we cling to, which ultimately hinder our progress. These can include:

  • Reluctance to Modify Diet: The inability to give up specific food items or additives, like creamer in coffee, despite knowing they counteract the benefits of fasting.
  • Avoidance of Physical Activity: The resistance to incorporate exercise, fearing it might be too challenging or time-consuming.
  • Dependence on Quick Fixes: Opting for low-calorie snacks or supplements during fasting periods, which can disrupt the hormonal balance that fasting aims to achieve.

These crutches not only prevent the full realization of intermittent fasting’s benefits but also reinforce a mindset that prioritizes comfort over long-term health gains.

The Power of a Mindset Shift

At the core of transitioning from using intermittent fasting as a crutch to leveraging it as a tool is mindset. In our Intermittent Fasting for Today's Aging Woman Course & Community, we emphasize the importance of understanding why we hold onto crutches and how they prevent us from experiencing the full benefits of the tools we are curious about. This understanding begins with a deep dive into our motivations and fears associated with lifestyle changes.


Harnessing Intermittent Fasting Effectively

To truly benefit from intermittent fasting, it's crucial to approach it with a clear and committed mindset. Here’s how you can start:

  • Understand the Role of Hormones: Recognize that intermittent fasting helps regulate key hormones like insulin, leptin, and ghrelin, which are crucial for appetite control and weight management.
  • Set Clear Objectives: Define what you want to achieve with intermittent fasting, be it weight loss, improved sleep, or better metabolic health .
  • Eliminate Crutches: Identify any habits or items you use as crutches and consciously work to remove them from your routine to ensure they do not undermine your efforts.

Real-Life Application of Tools

Let's consider the example of technology like glucose and ketone monitors. These devices are designed to provide insights into how our bodies react to different foods and fasting periods. However, if we purchase these tools but do not fully engage with their functionality or ignore the data they provide, they become expensive crutches rather than helpful tools. Fully investing in understanding and utilizing these tools can transform our health journey by providing actionable feedback that aligns with our health goals.

Embracing Discomfort for Growth

It's natural to seek comfort, but growth often requires stepping out of our comfort zones. This might mean enduring the initial discomfort of skipping the morning coffee with creamer or resisting the urge to snack during fasting periods. By doing so, we allow our bodies to fully adapt to and reap the benefits of intermittent fasting.

Continuous Learning and Adaptation

Intermittent fasting is not a one-size-fits-all solution, and what works for one person may not work for another. It's important to track your progress, make adjustments as needed, and stay informed about new research and strategies that can enhance your fasting experience.



Intermittent fasting offers a promising avenue for women to manage the challenges of aging, but its effectiveness is heavily dependent on our approach. By distinguishing between tools and crutches, adopting a proactive mindset, and being willing to embrace discomfort, we can unlock the full potential of intermittent fasting. This journey is not just about losing weight or managing symptoms—it's about gaining the freedom to live a healthier, more authentic life.

The key to successful intermittent fasting lies not just in the method itself, but in how we mentally and emotionally engage with it. Let's commit to making intentional choices that propel us toward our health goals, rather than holding us back.


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