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3 Tips to Help Women Over 50 Understand Weight Loss

Mar 06, 2024

As women age, weight gain and health conditions become more prevalent.

Many women struggle with weight problems even before they turn 50 or enter menopause. One of the main reasons for this is that we are constantly living in a fed state. We eat when we feel a little hungry, bored, or in need of comfort. Our society has taught us to default to eating in response to these cues.

However, what if hunger cues were actually our body's way of telling us that it is about to do some serious internal work to take care of us? In this article, we will explore three tips to help women over 50 understand weight loss and develop a healthier relationship with their bodies.

Tip #3: Understanding Our Hunger Hormones

When we feel hungry, it is a signal that our body is about to work internally to solve problems and improve our well-being. Instead of viewing hunger as something to be fixed or suppressed, we should embrace it as a natural and necessary part of our body's communication system. Hunger is an opportunity for our body to turn inward and address issues such as weight gain, inflammation, extra body fat, and fatigue.

To fully benefit from hunger cues, we need to trust our body's ability to create magic for us. When we feel hungry, it means our body is ready to solve these problems. Instead of trying to interrupt or ignore hunger, we should listen to it and allow our body to work its magic.

Next time you experience hunger cues like growling sounds or an empty stomach, try drinking water or having a cup of black coffee. Remind yourself that hungry is where the magic happens and your body is about to start solving some problems for you.

Check out this article to learn more: Are women over 50 starving their body while intermittent fasting?

Tip #2: Be Honest About Food

As we age, our body becomes more sensitive to the ingredients we consume. Fasting long and clean can make us hyper-aware of how different foods affect us. It's not just about what we eat, but also what we put on our body and what we surround ourselves with.

One eye-opening experience for me was realizing that certain food ingredients were making me sick, even though I thought I was eating clean. For example, turkey bacon, which I considered a healthier alternative to regular bacon, was actually causing me health issues because of the processed ingredients used to make it resemble bacon.

Soy is another ingredient that can be problematic for many people, causing inflammation and hormonal imbalance. If you rely on soy as a source of protein and it doesn't affect you negatively, then continue with it. However, if you suspect soy is causing issues for you, consider eliminating it from your diet to see if it improves your weight loss and hormonal balance.

The key is to take away the labels and really pay attention to how different foods and ingredients make you feel. Experiment with removing certain foods or ingredients from your routine and see how your body responds. Sometimes, a simple change like removing one thing from your diet can make a big difference in your weight loss journey.

Tip #1: Trust Your Body

Our bodies are designed to work in our favor and maintain a state of health and balance. Trusting your body is crucial when it comes to weight loss and overall well-being. It's important to listen to your body's signals and trust its feedback.

When something doesn't feel right or doesn't make sense to you, trust your instincts. It doesn't matter how many scientific studies support a certain approach or ingredient. If it doesn't feel right for you and it's not working for you, then it's not right for you.

Instead of getting caught up in endless research and trying to find the perfect solution, take action and implement changes. Trust your body's response and see how it feels for you. Trusting your body also means becoming your own best advocate. If something feels off, fight for yourself and seek the support and information you need to make informed choices.


In conclusion, weight loss and overall well-being for women over 50 require a deeper understanding of our bodies and a shift in our relationship with food. Instead of viewing hunger as a problem to be fixed, we should embrace it as an opportunity for our body to work its magic. Being honest about the ingredients we consume and trusting our body's feedback are also crucial steps in achieving our health goals.

Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to weight loss and health. Each body is unique, and it's important to listen to your own body's signals and make choices that work for you. By understanding and trusting your body, you can create a lifestyle that supports your goals and allows you to live your most authentic life.

Join our Intermittent Fasting for Today's Aging Woman Course & Community to turn these tips into action. You deserve to look and feel your best and live your most authentic life. 

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