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Fasting, Menopause & HRT

Apr 29, 2024

Navigating through menopause can be a challenging experience, and finding the right balance with hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is crucial.

Initially, I avoided HRT for the first six or seven years of menopause because I felt fine without it. However, as time passed, I noticed significant changes in my body and mood that led me to reconsider my stance on HRT.

I began to experience symptoms that were hard to ignore—increased inflammation, grogginess, and a general feeling of being unwell. These symptoms were signs that my body was not responding well to the natural progression of menopause.

Understanding My Hormone Levels

It's essential to listen to your body and advocate for your health. I felt something was off, so I requested a full hormone panel to check my testosterone levels, which turned out to be very low. This wasn't surprising given the symptoms I was experiencing, but it was a relief to have confirmation. This underscores the importance of pushing for necessary tests, even if your doctor initially hesitates. Remember, you can also order hormone panels independently if needed.

The Role of Self-Advocacy in Health Care

Self-advocacy is crucial, especially when it comes to hormone health. If you feel that something isn't right, it's important to persist in getting the appropriate tests and treatments. In today's world, the accessibility of at-home tests has made it easier to take charge of your health.

The Decision to Use HRT

Deciding to use HRT was not taken lightly. It is a very personal choice that should be made with professional guidance. Despite my initial reluctance, the shift in my symptoms made it clear that HRT could significantly improve my quality of life. It's important to do thorough research and consult with a specialized hormone or menopause doctor to make an informed decision.

Educational Resources and Personal Research

To better understand my health and the options available, I turned to several insightful books. The Menopause Brain  by Dr. Lisa Mosconi provided a wealth of information on how menopause affects cognitive health. I also found The XX Brain by the same author and Outlive by Dr. Peter Attia extremely helpful. These books offer groundbreaking insights into women's health and longevity.

Addressing Testosterone Deficiency

The lack of research on testosterone therapy for menopausal women is concerning. However, from my research, I've learned that testosterone injections might be beneficial, albeit at much lower doses compared to men. This highlights a significant gap in medical research, particularly for women in menopause. It's crucial for us to advocate for more studies and better understanding in this area.

Supplements for Overall Health

In addition to HRT and testosterone therapy, I've incorporated specific supplements into my daily routine to support my overall health:

  • Ovarian Care: I take this to support my ovaries, which are still functional but not as active as before. This supplement helps ensure they remain as healthy as possible.
  • Amino Complex: Amino acids are essential for protein synthesis and overall cellular health. I mix this with my ovarian care supplement to boost my intake of crucial nutrients.

These supplements are from Thorne, a trusted brand in the health supplement industry.

The Importance of Continuous Learning and Adaptation

As we age, our bodies change, and so should our approach to health care. It's okay to change your mind about treatments and strategies as new information becomes available. Keep an open mind, stay informed, and always make decisions that are best for your personal health and well-being.

Staying Active and Engaged

Despite the challenges of menopause, I continue to engage in activities that promote health and happiness. I maintain my routine of intermittent fasting, which has been incredibly beneficial, and I stay active to ensure that I am taking all possible steps to support my health during menopause.


Menopause is a significant phase in a woman's life that requires attention, care, and informed decision-making. Whether it's deciding to start HRT, adjusting your diet, or incorporating new supplements, the key is to stay informed and proactive about your health. Remember, you are your best advocate; do not hesitate to seek out information, ask for tests, and push for treatments that you believe will benefit you.

If you're interested in more insights like this, don't forget to check out my other videos on hormone replacement therapy and women's health. Also, consider joining our intermittent fasting course & community. Our course is a great way to take control of your health and learn alongside a community of supportive women.

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